Colour, Flowers & Fashion
Home & Garden Anthea Turner Home & Garden Anthea Turner

Colour, Flowers & Fashion

Everywhere I look I’m seeing colour, flowers, fashion even cars are looking brighter, it’s like a whole group of people got together 12 months ago and predicted Spring 2022 we’d needed cheering up!

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Transition Season
Home & Garden Anthea Turner Home & Garden Anthea Turner

Transition Season

How’s your seasonal transition going? I’m just about dealing with those beautiful leaves that gave us such a glorious display of colour now everyday falling to the ground and with Halloween just around the corner Winter is well and truly on its way.

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Little Home Improvements
Home & Garden Anthea Turner Home & Garden Anthea Turner

Little Home Improvements

Last week we were talking Hygge the Danish movement for wellbeing which amongst other things has a large amount to do with the way we arrange our nest. I consider myself a lifetime member of Hygge and proclaim its virtues constantly but even I became reinvigorated by My Weekly’s inspiration and started poking around to see where I could improve.

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Candles and Home Comforts
Home & Garden Anthea Turner Home & Garden Anthea Turner

Candles and Home Comforts

Finally I’ve found an Aroma Diffuser that does the job and actually looks nice! I’m so exited it’s going down as my best buy of the summer. I’m slightly obsessed by aromas and have a nose like a bloodhound.

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Love My AirRam
Home & Garden Anthea Turner Home & Garden Anthea Turner

Love My AirRam

I’m not a gadget person but I love my AirRam cordless and its little Gtech friend. I must have been amongst the first people to jump on these, first the upright and then the handheld.

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Candle Fixation
Home & Garden Anthea Turner Home & Garden Anthea Turner

Candle Fixation

I know I’m not alone with my Candle fixation.

Wether they are aromatic or in lanterns candles just make a room twinkle and definitely add that homely relaxing touch.

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