Little Home Improvements

Last week we were talking Hygge the Danish movement for wellbeing which amongst other things has a large amount to do with the way we arrange our nest. I consider myself a lifetime member of Hygge and proclaim its virtues constantly but even I became reinvigorated by My Weekly’s inspiration and started poking around to see where I could improve.

Candles, throws, rugs, cushions, warming food even Soho (dog) has benefited with the Hygge treatment and now the proud owner of an IKEA small sheepskin which had come to the end of its human days.

None of these things need to cost much, most of my finds have come from Homebase, Zara Home, H&M Home and pre-loved items I’ve hunted for and found in charity shops. But to pull nice pieces together you have to have ‘The Eye’ which roughly translated means you have style and you are good at picking out beauty that others might not necessarily see. You’re also good at knowing in your mind how this piece is going to tone with and enhance other items in your nest. Over the years I’ve put a lot of work into this skill and this is how you, if you don’t already have it, can acquire ‘The Eye’. Outside of searching around on the internet, treat yourself at least once a month to a little selection of interior magazines. There are heaps on the market catering for all tastes and pockets but flick through in the store and pick yourself a selection you’re attracted to, especially the glossy ones because you’re not looking to buy anything in them, what you want is ‘inspiration’. You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘Food Porn’ well this is ‘Interiors Porn’ and I’m an addict. Put some time on one side, make a cuppa and enjoy idly looking through them for pictures that catch your eye maybe attach a sticky note to the page or even cut pages out and make a file.  After a while you’ll see a pattern forming and this my friend is your style. Now, before you buy a thing look around your home and see, with these pictures in your mind, if you can tweak, rearrange, or completely remove objects you already have. I promise you so much can be achieved without spending a penny especially when with your new found inspiration you can see how professionals (with the eye) put things together especially when it comes to groupings of objects and space between them. I think you’ll be surprised at your efforts – I only wish I could see them.

Love Anthea x

Article originally from My Weekly!


Transition Season


I Have Often Said, That The Elixir of Youth Isn’t in a Pot of Cream it’s in the Way You Live Your Life