It’s a Cordless World

Gtech started it and now everyone is going cordless.

So lucky to have been sent the new VAX Air to try out and I really have given it a thorough road test. My house is a mix of flooring, hard soft with loads of stairs. Been using it now for 4 weeks and I can honestly say after initially being sceptical of its ability I love it and not once have I thought “must get my plug in out as this ones just not up to the job” Mine has spent most of its time with the extra power Boost button on, tools easy to use and on stairs considering its an upright handled well loads of room in the dirt cylinder so not changing every 5 minutes The 2 battery idea so you are never out of power is inspired and swivel floor head gets just about everywhere. You know I love my Gtech for those quick jobs especially the hand held and wedded to the Miele Cat and Dog but the VAX Air has my affection and total seal of approval.




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