Bowie, Blondie and Wicked: Anthea Turner’s six best albums

In recent years she has been a contestant on Dancing On Ice and The Jump. Anthea is now a household management expert and has written several books to accompany her BBC series The Perfect Housewife (

DAVID BOWIE: The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (EMI, RCA Records)

Every time I hear a track from this album it takes me back to a draughty hall in Staffordshire where I first saw Bowie perform when I was 16. His voice and his lyrics were so unusual and watching him on the stage was pure theatre.

BLONDIE: Parallel Lines (Chrysalis Records)

For me Debbie Harry epitomises the 1970s. Almost everyone over 40 must have this one in their music collection. She was so sassy and sexy and every song on that album makes me want to dance.

JACKIE: The Album (EMI)

I used to present Top Of The Pops in the late 80s but in terms of my musical tastes I’m a 70s girl through and through. The Jackie albums epitomise my youth and bring back many happy memories.

The albums feature T.Rex, Bay City Rollers, Showaddywaddy and my teen favourite David Cassidy.

WICKED: Original Broadway Cast Recording (Decca Broadway)

I love musicals and I must have seen Wicked four or five times. The music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz are just incredible.

anthea turner, blondie, david bowie, wicked the musical, jackie, joe cocker, rod stewartGETTY

JOE COCKER: With A Little Help From My Friends (Regal Zonophone)

Cocker had a voice that could move you to tears

This man had the most phenomenal voice and whenever I listen to the title tune of this album it moves me to tears. Joe was an ordinary bloke who found fame, not through his looks or his image but purely because of his incredible talent.

ROD STEWART: The Best Of Rod Stewart (FMR, Warner Bros)

There aren’t many musicians who can make a Best Of album where every song is a winner but Rod is definitely the exception. Although his lyrics are simple they really speak to the heart. And you can’t beat that gravelly voice.


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