The Countdown Begins…
I have a confession to make… this weekend, wooed by discounts and offers, I pulled out my Christmas list and hit “Add To Basket”.

Let The Christmas Preparations Commence…
said last week I wouldn’t moan so I won’t, even though it’s taking my complete reserve of resolve not to as I’m a total anti- lockdowner. That on one side (she says with a high- pitched voice and pursed lips), let’s get on with Christmas preparations as best we can, to keep ourselves sane in this crazy world.

Well I Had a Rubbish Week…
Well I had a rubbish week for two reasons. One, I had the back window of my car smashed in by thieves who then got into my boot and took a loved Mulberry holdall. Nothing in it of immediate use to them like money, laptop, iPad or phone – just personal stuff like make-up, hairdryer, brushes, notebook and a jacket. In fact the damage to fix the vandalism was more costly than the haul.

Are You a Radiator or Are You a Drain?
Yes, I have been having plumbing issues this week, but that’s another story! But back to my question… do you wake with the intention of breathing life into your day, or do you wake under a cloud thinking about all the things that are wrong with your life?

Bounce Back, Spruce Up.
I was listening to one of my favourite breakfast shows, Chris Evans on Virgin, and the big discussion was Britain Bouncing Back. It’s a phrase I’ve been hearing a lot.

Your Book of Life…
I wanted to have a quick chat about your book of life… We all have one. It’s your very own imaginary scrap book lodged in your head, into which you paste everything that’s happened in your life, good and bad. Then every so often for no apparent reason you go through it. It’s a little trip down memory lane, but here is where the problem lies.

Clearing Out Season…
My two favourite months are May and September. They are beautifully positioned in the calendar just 4 months apart but both in their own way celebrating change. To me they are more important than Christmas and New Year as you’re not encumbered by all the seasonal hullabaloo and you can focus your mind with greater clarity.

My Weekly! Discussing phone theft!
As I write I am wound up like the end of a mop just before you do the last wipe of the kitchen floor – although even that isn’t tight enough! I know phones get stolen every day.

My Weekly! We LOVE Soho!
How’s your week been? Mine’s been good. Mark and I celebrated our first year anniversary – which seems crazy, how can a year flash by so quickly? But they do, good ones and thankfully bad ones.

Wonderful Memories!
Do you ever find a photograph that pings back to you a host of wonderful memories? These come as you idly thumb through albums or via the modern way of Facebook Memories.

A Litle Honesty and Some Herbs!
Let’s be honest, it’s human nature to judge. We might be too polite to say anything but we all do it, especially when we meet up with others. Women are the worst, or it could be argued, the best…

Some Updates with My Weekly!
I was late filing my column this week because I didn’t follow my own advice and the irony is it’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about.

My Spatular Moment!
Every Thursday, Editor Stuart gives me a tinkle about what’s in the magazine and things I might like to talk to you about. This week after we’d gone through “Is it that time already… where has this week gone to…” he said the word “spatula” in reference to a popular giveaway fondly remembered that was attached to the magazine many years ago. Immediately it made me recall “My Spatula Moment” and here it is.

Let The Sunshine In This Week!
Let the sun shine in is this week’s theme… I have made my mind up this year to embrace a “Staycation” or as they say in Stoke where I hail from, I’m going to Our-Gate…

The BIG Birthday!
Well, it’s finally arrived! I honestly didn’t flinch over my 40th birthday, nor my 50th – but 60? Ouch! You can call 60 the new 50, but sorry it’s 60 and that’s the end of it! So how do we burst through, taking it in our stride?

Discussing Pampering.
Silly question under normal circumstances, but I can’t be the only one suffering from “Lockdown Day Disorder”. As I write I was utterly convinced yesterday was Friday.

Challenging Yourself!
In my house, I honestly don’t have another cupboard or draw to attack! Everything is clean – and I’m talking taking off the plastic trim round shower doors, removing scum with a nail brush clean! I only have a small outside space but it’s been loved and treated to the same care as an indoor room.

New Normal!
Can I start by sharing a promise I’ve made to myself this week?
It’s this; I will never again walk past a supermarket food bank donation bin without putting something in.

My Birthday
So much to update everyone on it’s been very busy with lots of exciting updates for you and some that I will be able to share with you very shortly.

Yahoo News Digest Addict
Suddenly become addicted to Yahoo’s News Digest, kept me entertained from Manchester to Newcastle.