My Weekly! We LOVE Soho!

How’s your week been? Mine’s been good. Mark and I celebrated our first year anniversary – which seems crazy, how can a year flash by so quickly? But they do, good ones and thankfully bad ones.

I know we’re only seven months in, but I don’t need to be Oda Mae Brown (psychic in Ghost played by Whoopi Goldberg) to predict 2020 will go down in history as a horror. But for every loser, there’s a winner. We hear constantly of businesses that have thrived finding new paths or who were digital already and won the day by luring in new online shoppers – like my dad, who said he never would. However, sitting on my knee as I write (he’s going to have to get off in a minute) has to be the biggest winner. Since March 23, Mark’s French bulldog Soho has gone through a lifestyle transformation beyond his wildest dog dreams.

Soho’s obsession – making sure his “pack” of three are never apart – knows no bounds. Before Covid, like many dogs, there were off-limit areas in the house which included the bedroom and two cream sofas in the lounge. One or both of us were out for the greater part of the day, so spending time on his own was part of his routine. At night, Soho slept in the kitchen and for company listened to the hum of the road and a little low-level night-time Radio 2. Mark had obviously laid down the house rules, further enforced by a child gate, when it was just the two of them, for many practical reasons. But during Covid, every single one (not helped by me) has gone out of the window. Soho’s biggest win – please don’t judge me – is that we now have the privilege of drifting off to sleep to his dulcet tones. In return, he wakes us up nice and early with a lovely refreshing face wash and the biggest smile a dog could ever have, which truly sets you up for the day. So as you head back to work or to a different routine, spare a thought for your pet.

No one has the heart to tell Soho the world is getting back to business because in his world, this is his new normal – and who are we to argue with him?

Love, Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly! 


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