Clearing Out Season…

My two favourite months are May and September. They are beautifully positioned in the calendar just 4 months apart but both in their own way celebrating change. To me they are more important than Christmas and New Year as you’re not encumbered by all the seasonal hullabaloo and you can focus your mind with greater clarity. Before I can do that though I have to clear the decks and that involves having a sort out. Being tidy and organised frees your mind to be creative or fix problems more efficiency. I’m a big list maker. I can write lists about the list I’m going to write. I call them Brain Glue because they help shape our days and get the very best out of them.

Clearing Out

In my sorting, as I mentioned last week, I’ve packed away all summer clothes and pulled out my cooler climate collection. Obviously while doing this you have a sort out. So far I have about 6 items on the charity shop pile which include a pair of Stella McCartney winter shorts – yes there is such a thing, the type you wear with black opaque tights and boots to look urban trendy. I’ve not worn them for 2 years as they are verging on the, “should a 60 year old woman actually be wearing them?” pile. Keeping your look fresh without spending too much money is important, so here are a few of my tips: Keep an open mind and scour magazines, the internet and instagram for inspiration. Look at the way professional stylists have teamed clothes together and have a go yourself. So often we have the pieces in our wardrobe, that fit us, we like them, but they’re not working for us, and they just need a breath of new life blown into them by clever styling, layering, matching even colour clashing. Don’t forget the charity shops, many are no longer dumping grounds for tit-tat but are more like exclusive, cool boutiques. Always go to ones in posh areas – they are a treasure trove. My secret weapon is a great alterations shop nearby. It’s run by an entrepreneurial Polish mum and her two daughters so I buy in the sales never worrying if it’s too big because Lene will fix it. Unless you’re a standard off the peg size, (which few of us are) most purchases could use a tweak to make them look spot on, so find yourself a Lene asap!


Rookie mistake!

Finally back to Stella’s (my) winter shor ts… I’ve just made a rookie mistake and asked my youngest stepdaughter Claudia what she thought of them. She answered after a ponderous stare, “Hmm they fit you but I’m not sure you should wear them… don’t worry though – I’ll have them!” Love, Anthea X


My Weekly! Discussing phone theft!


My Visit To Greece!