My Visit To Greece!

It’s really happening isn’t it? The autumn chill is descending upon us as we move into September and soon even I will be forced to pack away my flip-flops, bright summer clothes and even cushions – yes, I have summer cushions and winter cushions – and embrace the next season.



However, should we be savouring more and not constantly thinking ahead? Enjoy the vibrant colours of autumn, pretty falling leaves, conkers, nights drawing in, eating soup again (last bowl for me was April). But too often we’re simply not allowed to. What’s the betting that stores, not satisfied with selling all of the above into our lives during August, will already be pushing Christmas down our throats before we’ve even lit a sparkler? I honestly loathe them for it! And as for the January sales, which basically laugh in the face of all the gifts and food we’ve purchased for Christmas, I’m raging!

Finally in this rant, before I’ve bitten the last antler off my Lindt Reindeer, he’s been usurped by the Easter Bunny version! How many other events do we not enjoy or not make the best of simply because we’ve forgotten to stand still, stop clock watching and savor it, treating everything as a learning curve or adventure?


On holiday in Naxos last week I had a minor ear infection and so, reluctantly dragging my heels because I was annoyed with myself – it would take time and there were better things to do – I went to the island’s doctor. Guess what? This annoying ailment led me to an enlightening experience! Not only did he fix my problem, we then chatted at length about the island, and he directed us to a part of town we’d never have found which was a jewel, and gave us a list of restaurants that can only be gleaned from a local. So, in the words of David Cassidy, let’s try and cherish things a little more before moving to the next event in our lives.



Article originally from My Weekly! 


Clearing Out Season…


Travel Tips!