Hello, from Italy!
Travel Anthea Turner Travel Anthea Turner

Hello, from Italy!

This week I’m writing to you from a small town in Italy just outside of Milan, from my window the sky is a stunning blue, the mountains are glistening, I can smell log fires burning, nothing could look better. However, we are here not for the happiest reasons.

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The De-pack from Holiday!
Travel Anthea Turner Travel Anthea Turner

The De-pack from Holiday!

So I’m finally back from the land of, ruins, churches, feta cheese, the colour colbert blue and now performing all those ‘coming home’ rituals, beginning with a proper cup of tea, plant check, and a whitewash.

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Off to the Aegean Sea!
Travel Anthea Turner Travel Anthea Turner

Off to the Aegean Sea!

Well, I’m packing and jumping into the Aegean Sea headfirst with as much luggage as I can cram into my weightless case because traveling light is not my thing, cases have wheels so let them do their job and take the strain.

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The Art of Packing
Travel Anthea Turner Travel Anthea Turner

The Art of Packing

So, this week one of the subjects upper most in my mind (because I’m a born optimist) is packing, or should I say the ‘art’ of packing because it’s a subject I take very seriously, in fact I will go as far as to say I’m a professional packer because for many years it’s been part of my job to arrive on location with the right clothes, toiletries and activity accessories.

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My Visit To Greece!
Travel Anthea Turner Travel Anthea Turner

My Visit To Greece!

It’s really happening isn’t it? The autumn chill is descending upon us as we move into September and soon even I will be forced to pack away my flip-flops, bright summer clothes and even cushions – yes, I have summer cushions and winter cushions – and embrace the next season.

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