The De-pack from Holiday!

So I’m finally back from the land of, ruins, churches, feta cheese, the colour colbert blue and now performing all those ‘coming home’ rituals, beginning with a proper cup of tea, plant check, and a whitewash. I like returning home from any trip to be a seamless transition so before traveling I run round like a crazy woman making sure everything is clean and tidy, because who wants to open the door to chaos, not me.

I spoke last week about how I hold onto Summer until the very end only discarding my flip flops when my feet turn blue with cold, I’ll continue to do this but can’t deny as I put away my colourful holiday clothes, I’m looking forward to pulling out a few Autumnal tones which, for the short while I have it, will look good on my ‘light’ tanned skin gained through a shroud of Factor 50.


I’m not sure I ‘get ready’ for Autumn its more of a gradual visceral transition, the need for warmer layers, the thought of soup sounds like a good idea because root vegetables are looking at me everywhere. Human emotions react to colour and the beautiful tones Autumn throws out are a game changer, I love with a passion the four to six precious weeks we have when the trees like traffic lights turn from green through to red, I even catch myself praying the wind machine up there in the weather department keeps it setting on low so, a little like Spring blossom, we keep them for as long as possible. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a country that doesn’t have definitive seasons?  They punctuate our life, from lifestyle to events to wardrobe choices to our conversation, so let’s savour and enjoy all of them, even on a drizzly cold day, because without them we’d all have terrible wrinkles – And on that subject I want to introduce you to a product I have tried and tested thoroughly. It’s well documented now that to hold onto our youthful bloom a good everyday SPF 30 – 50 is essential and this one  I’m obsessed with because

  1. It doesn’t resemble Tipex

  2. Its inexpensive

  3. Leaves not a mark on your clothes

  4. You can wear under makeup

  5. Raises money for a great cause.

‘Altruist’ is a no-nonsense product created by Kent based Consultant Dermatologist and skin cancer specialist Dr Andrew Birnie to reduce the trauma of Africans born with Albinism. The sun for Albinos is a cruel environment and with no protection due to poverty and a lack of education many die a horrific death from skin cancer or attacks from Witchcraft practitioners. Check out their website and I promise you this is the sun cream you will always have in your cupboard to use even on a dull day in Britain.


Love Anthea x

Article originally from MyWeekly! 


Autumn is On The Way In!


Off to the Aegean Sea!