This Is Going to be a Positive Week

“This is going to be a positive week” Say it out loud, then say it again, you have put your intention out there and all you have to do now is to turn it into one.

Make a list of everything you are going to tackle including at least two things you’ve been putting off. Don’t make this a long list it’s what you on your ‘A’ game can achieve in a week. I know myself if I make even my daily task list too long it’s not going to get completed and instead of feeling confident at the end of the day, I’ll feel frustrated and cross with myself. First, for this positive week, ‘Kill the Worm’ we’ve spoken about this before, so this is a reminder to do the things you don’t want to do first. The word ‘worm’ is used because like a worm the task is burrowing into your head but stops immediately the moment you complete it.

But it’s not all work and no pleasure, one of my primary reasons for being reasonably organised is so, without guilt, I can take time out doing something I enjoy. Summer is the time of the year we need to savour our long days and being out in the fresh air bathed in light soaking up natural Vitamin D is unbelievably good for our wellbeing.

I talk a lot about movement being one of the major keys to future proofing our bodies against the aches and pains of aging but sometimes being still has an equally positive effect. Remember the poem ‘Leisure’ by Welshman William Henry Davies? It begins – What is life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see when woods we pass, where Squirrels hind their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, streams full of stars, like skies at night. Find your little place somewhere you feel comfortable. It could be in a city park a local beauty spot or maybe you live in the country surrounded by options but go with the intention of doing nothing, just looking and listening. Some people including myself like to read outdoors and take a flask of tea, whatever makes you relaxed and happy. Away on holiday with other people, make space for ‘you time’ just listening to waves, wind and birds. Also, at home look in your local area for outdoor sound baths, people hold them in forests others promote Yoga Gong Baths, don’t worry you don’t have to tie your body in knots you basically wear relaxed clothes, lie on a mat just listening and drifting.

I came out feeling the calmest I’ve ever felt in my entire life.


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Jubilee Weekend