Didn’t You Think to Put Sun Protection On?

Last week I met 3 people who looked like lobsters. Been on holiday? I said, ‘No’, one replied in the garden, another sitting in the park and my Stepdaughter on a beach in Cornwall. Didn’t you think to put sun protection on? Well it’s Britain, I forgot! And that’s the biggest problem with sunburn in this country, we just forget, I’ve done it myself many times.

When we go abroad our headspace is very different, essentially, we’re going to the sun it’s one of the most popular reasons for taking a vacation and because of that we’re tooled up – Hat – Glasses – Suntan Lotion, but when we’re here in Britain and especially ‘at home’ all that thoughtful skincare goes out of the window.

I adore the Sun, it’s an intoxicating part of my life, when I wake up to a sunny morning it has an instant effect on my mood. I look at its warm glow and immediately feel good as my brain releases Serotonin otherwise known as ‘happy hormones’. My head resembles a sunflower, I naturally want to face it and bathe in its warmth. Even my French Bulldog Soho loves nothing better than lying across the front door step in the warmth of the morning sun. This glowing ball in the sky makes us strong. It generates the production of vitamin D in our bodies which strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, helps us absorb and regulate the production of Calcium which in turn maintains healthy bones. And for my dose of free vitamin D on a nice warm day I pop outside in the least amount of clothes I can get away with and give myself a 15-minute sunshine bath.

However, too much sun damages our skin, it attacks our collagen production giving us the appearance of wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. What would I give, being a fair skinned English woman not to have the tell tail signs of ageing  known as ‘Sunspots’.

Sorry to have to go on about this, but let’s not forget the dreaded Skin Cancer – it’s the most common form of cancer in the UK with at least 100,000 new cases being diagnosed each year killing 2,500 of us.

But it never too late to become a little more sun conscious and so I don’t forget I have a tube of Suntan Lotion in my cupboard sandwiched between my toothpaste, deodorant and HRT (3 things I use every day) with Factor 50 on my face, neck and back of hands being the fourth.

I’m now going to tell you a secret – its honestly the best and cheapest sun protector product I’ve ever come across. Designed by a Doctor specialising in severe skin conditions their profits are donated to children in Africa suffering from Albinism. Check them out on Altruistsun.com and after your first bottle, I promise you you’ll never look back also, very important I’ve worn whites while using it and they don’t go yellow but my skin still has the acceptable glow (not burnt) feel good look of Summer. Stay safe in the Sun.

Love Anthea x

Article Via My Weekly! 


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