Well Done Amelia

My 19 year old step daughter Amelia graduated from her Secretarial College course this week. Grant and I were there together with other parents and friends cheering on the girls as they received their certificates. I can’t tell you how useful skills such as short hand and advanced computer skills are in life. If you have a daughters who is taking a year off and not sure what she wants to do, 6 months on a secretarial course even if it’s not her chosen career path is worth its weight in gold.

I know so many women in high powered jobs and if you ask them how they got their foot in the door they will answer “as a secretary”. A friend of mine who runs a large PR department will always say because I did a secretarial course I was quicker taking notes at University and when I was on the lowest rung working my way up the career ladder it was my dexterity with a notebook that made me stand out and get promoted.

Amelia’s hobby is riding and she’s got herself a job with an Equine vet and who knows where that will take her.

Check out your local colleges for courses.




Flat Pack Vase!