Theatre Visits & Fun

Well, this week I need to share something with you, but you need to be quick on this one because when social distancing ends it’s not going to be as good. Last November I bought, as a Christmas treat, tickets to Hairspray for April 21 starring Michael Ball at my favorite theatre, London’s Coliseum, we were literally counting the days. Then variants arrived from all corners of the earth and the doors closed, but thankfully, with government guidelines opened again – Yippee!!

What I’m about to say is terrible ‘business’ for theatres but as a member of the audience you have no idea what an genteel experience it all was. First of all, on arrival everyone wanting refreshments booked a table, we were a large party so had two tables of four, this would also be the place during the interval we would return to with pre-ordered drinks waiting for us thus negating the dreaded interval bar scrum. Now the auditorium, it was technically speaking a full house, but we were scattered with everyone sitting in twos or threes and two seats either side empty. This felt roomy and nice the sort of nice you feel when two of you get on a plane and no one takes the middle seat. The Show was, of course, amazing it was the opening night and after such a long time away from live entertainment of this type the roof erupted during the encore with everyone knowing we had to make extra noise for those empty seats with our coats on! The cast looked at us, we looked at the cast and we all knew this was ‘A Moment’. Congratulations and good luck to everyone working in our beloved theatres across the country, and I encourage the rest of us to support them and treat yourself to some tickets as soon as you can.

On another note, a practical thought crossed my mind which, a few years ago, this would be a ridiculous question but now may ring a warning bell with you as it did me. If you were in trouble and didn’t have your phone with you how many numbers who could help you do you know off by heart? I know my Mum and Dads Stoke on Trent landline, my Dads mobile but totally useless as he only switches it on if he wants to make a call, (let’s not go there!) and my ex-husbands (!) so basically, in a crisis I’m stuffed! I need to learn most importantly my boyfriend’s together with a resourceful levelheaded person likely to pick up the phone to an unknown or withheld number. Not quite sure who that is yet but I’m working on it.

Have a good week


Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly! 


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