The Best Chicken Korma

I’m going to start by complaining.  I have Bamix Blender which I really like and which is promoted by Gordon Ramsey. It comes a book on how to use it together with a selection of recipes. My family like Indian food so seduced by the beautiful picture of a Chicken Korma I thought I’d surprise them all. Well, the muddy looking appearance of the finished dish bore no resemblance to the tantalising vision on the page and thus I felt ‘had’. Annoyed, I reached for the easy way out but arguably one of the best natural Indian sauce companies  I have ever come across – ‘Ishmaels Mother’. I first met the man himself when he was standing market in the early days of his company in Cranleigh, Surrey with his son. He’s a real charmer and the ladies of the village, including me, were queuing up to taste his wares. There is not a product he produces I don’t love, send off for a selection and see if you feel the same.

PS.  Substitute the chicken pieces for Quorn or Soya for a great veggie version of the dish.


Sensational Soya

