
Over the years we have eaten more pancakes than ‘Little Black Sambo’ – If you have never read this book it was my favourite as a child and I still have a very tatty version of it. My pancake recipe is a very standard one…


4 heaped tbsp of plain flour
Pinch of salt
2 eggs
7 fl oz milk topped up to a half a pint with water
2 tblsp melted butter with a little for using to grease the pan.


I don’t make wells in the flour and bind everything in… instead get out the blender put all the wet ingredient in first then the dry and whack it up until everything is beautifully blended and you get the little bubbles on the top. No one has time to let the mixture stand for 20 mins to start making pancakes! I am loving my investment into a Le Cruset frying pan – nothing is sticking and my pancakes are perfection. I squeeze fresh orange on mine and sprinke a little caster sugar.


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