Travel Tips!
Well, finally it happened this week! After much pondering, we’ve decided to bite the bullet and leave our shores for – shock horror! – a holiday.

The Christmas Clear Up Continues!
Well the Christmas clear up continues, I now have everything back in see through plastic boxes (Homebase have them in the sale at the moment) and stored away until next year.

I love lavender. I must have over 20 pots on my balcony in chrome troughs with good drainage bought in Homebase.

Top 10 Domestic Tips
These are little secrets and hinters that can help in day-to-day, domestic life. Some of the oldest ones are the most tried and tested.
Put Systems in Place to Run the Home
A friend of mine called Rev Stephen Chalk once said to me, “Discipline gives you freedom”. I don’t have time in my life to run round in circles and be a slave to my home so this is why I look for ways to make life easy.
Domestic Video Tips
Want to defluff jumpers? Need to get rid of limescale in taps? Watch Anthea’s Domestic video tips for some Perfect Solutions!

Colourful Cables
The world is full of cables, well that’s what it looks like in our house and can I tell the difference between them in an instant? No.

Steamin’ Hot Deal
Just seen his great offer from Amazon for Tefal Steam Irons. They are the best and cut ironing time down by half.

A Lovely Success on Valentines!
You know how I go on about keeping brown paper in at all times for wrapping gifts… This was Grant’s Valentines Day present wrapped in my favourite, simple and inexpensive way.

Brilliant Boot Liner
Black upholstery in the car and a big blonde haired dog – not a good mix! I’ve bought this really inexpensive boot liner on Amazon for £23.90 and it’s doing the trick.

Pimp Your Poppy
A trip to John Lewis’ Haberdashery Department soon gave my sister’s poppy the bling factor!

You Make It Look So Easy
I’ve just discovered this newly published and beautifully illustrated domestic self help guide.
Holding On For the Sale
I am such a sucker for this company and I’m always checking out what’s new!