Amazing Night Out

Had an amazing night out with my Stepdaughter Lily her boyfriend Fred, a group from Champneys including the owner Stephen Perdew and his stunning wife Isabella.

We were all there to support ‘La Voix’ who is the alter ego of my friend and international drag artist Chris Dennis. Chris belted out numbers by all the famous divas and knitted the show together with his own wicked sense of humour. If this show is near you please go and see it. Chris and I met when he played one of the ugly Sisters in a panto I was in in Milton Keynes (see photo!). One of the many strings he has to his bow is being a fabulous makeup artist and it was during this panto that I learnt the art from Chris of wearing 4 pairs of false eyelashes!

For more information check out his website


Not So Purrrfect Presents


May on the move