Baked macaroni – the God of easy Ding Ding dinners

I know in the perfect world we would make all our own food from scratch with organic ingredients.

But real life just isn’t like that; it’s frantic busy and truthfully sometimes we just can’t raise the energy.

Yesterday was one of those days. I’d run around doing ‘stuff’ – nothing that was going to set the world alight; dry cleaning, vets, horse rug mending, bill paying, all those things that when someone says “have you had a nice day at home?” you want to strangle them.

However my evening calmed down due to me purchasing Charlie Bigham ( macaroni cheese from Waitrose. I don’t know who this man is but he’s a God of the easy ding ding on a plate and in my mouth meal. Between this and ‘Prisoners Wives’ (how brilliant is this drama on BBC1?) I finally relaxed.

If you want to make a Macaroni Cheese the last one I whipped up was Simon Rimmer’s from ‘Something For the Weekend’. I added bacon to the mix which adds flavour and to make it look more attractive on the table, sprinkle some croutons on the top with streaky bacon.

It’s one of those recipes you can play with as long as you keep to the right marriage of flavour.

For the recipe see


Tasty Root Vegetables


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