‘Having a go’ isn’t just for the young 

How fabulous to read our lovely article about Olivia Colman. the woman’s humility when it comes to her exceptional body of work is beyond endearing. Going to the cinema is one of my favourite outings and the other night while watching ‘Argyle’ the trailer came on for her new film ‘Wicked Little Letters’, it looks hilarious, if you can get beyond the language, I’ll definitely be there with my popcorn giggling away.


If you’ve not been to the movies for a while - I know how easy it is to get out of the habit and think, I’ll wait until it’s on the TV - think about going. Cinemas are a whole new ‘experience’ now. Our local one has comfy sofa’s, serves tasty nibbles and wine. Tickets are competitively priced especially if you’re happy to go in the afternoon and on Monday’s. 

I’ve always loved dancing, from aged 7 to 19 I studied classical ballet and although I didn’t take it up as a career, I’m eternally grateful for the core stability it gave me which I still  rely on today. 

Maybe you did the same ,danced as a child and would love to again or watch ‘Strictly’ and always fancied tripping the light fantastic. ‘Having a go’ isn’t just for the young but we get it onto our heads that it is, we can’t try new things as we get older, but we can and we should! Singing, painting, dancing, acting are good for our mental wellbeing, they are group activities that allow us to escape our worries and as we know when we are away from our worries, perspective returns and loosing perspective is one of our greatest enemy’s. 

Which brings me on to our skiing article.  I reluctantly learnt to hurl myself down the slippey white stuff because both of my ex-husbands loved the pastime, so if you can’t beat them, join them. Sadly, I was rubbish, always scared and during my time ‘trying’ I managed to snap a ligament in my left knee and break my right ankle! Fast forward to the same woman, now in her early 50’s, struggling with age/ divorce/ ex-husbands 24-year-old girlfriend/ and the menopause!

Her manager says, “Channel 4 have a new show called ‘The Jump’, its a bit dangerous, Eddy The Eagle is going to teach you to ski jump and compete in a selection of other winter Olympic sports. You’ll be in Austria training and competing for 8 weeks either side Christmas”. Goodness knows why but something made me say “Yes” and at the age of 54 to relieve myself of mental torture, confusion and Christmas I agreed. Every day I skied and as the weeks went by my inner confidence rose and I started to enjoy myself. I left a broken woman at the top of that slope, finally cracking the fear that engulfed me. So, my message is, don’t let fear hold you back, begin gently and build yourself up and if hurling yourself down a slope sounds daunting, maybe try cross country skiing - sometimes known as Nordic skiing, I love it, its generally done on the level and over small inclines. Its safe and one of the best butt workouts you’ll ever have!

Enjoy X  

Article originally from My Weekly!


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