Totally Embrace the Power of Sleep

I know this sounds terrible, but I’ve just finished my last Easter egg. I didn’t have loads, but Jeremy Vine, together with a doctor, on his Radio 2 programme spoke about the dangers of sugar spikes, with the bottom line that when faced with a higher than normal amount of chocolate i.e. Easter eggs best to be prudent and ration oneself as opposed to the big blow out so I did. If I’d been really interested, sitting in a box I have a glucose monitor that attaches to the top of your arm with something akin to toupee tape but I’m not ready for the truth so in the box it stays. 

What I do know about and totally embrace is the power of sleep and why you need to pour over our article and if a bad sleeper take notes. 

My obsession began when working at GMTV, waking up at 4.00 am 5 days a week, performing in a high-pressure environment takes its toll and the only way to keep on top and thrive is to nail down your sleep pattern. 

After the first month I was all over the place, sleep deprivation was hitting me hard. I read everything I could, which to be honest wasn’t a lot, it was 1994 and Google was still in the heads of 2 students at Stanford University. 

What I did discover was a little like looking after children and animals the key is routine. Food, sleep, work, exercise, I had to have a healthy pattern. I’m a Gemini so this wasn’t going to be easy, but I took hold of my life and the healthier and more organised I became, the better I naturally slept. I time shifted my day and kept to a strict routine which included a whole wind down ceremony before going to bed at 9.00 – All of this delivered me a healthy 7 hours sleep apart from one evening. My alarm went off, I got up, showered, dressed then realising it was only 11.00 pm - Noooooo

Another little trick which might work for you, during my research I learnt what my body was doing while I was sleeping and if I had too little or poor quality what it didn’t get round to completing. Think of sleep is mending time and your body has a tick list in order of priority with our skin, as it’s not a life-threatening organ, one of the very last to benefit. 

This is why, even though you can function on little sleep it’s your skin that gives the game away and we call it ‘Beauty Sleep’ for a reason. So if you want to look fresh and perky it’s in that final 7th and 8th hour when your skin is attended to. So for the vein amongst us lay back on your pillow (spritzed in lavender oil) and think of your skin and how much better you will look tomorrow.


I Want to Talk to You About Bones


What a lovely edition we have this week