Phone Addicts

How fabulous to be looking at Apps in My Weekly but is it just me, or does it seem like yesterday that that we used a mobile phone as a secondary form of contact only to be switched on when away from home should anyone need to urgently contact us. Texting was a faff because you had to scrolled through the alphabet to find the right letter and predictive, totally fried my dyslexic brain to a crisp. Now look at us, I’m sitting here writing to you wearing my Sweaty Betty Gym bottoms which outnumber their visits to the gym because they have a handy phone pocket on the left hand side and if I don’t have these on, my phone is dangling from my neck or in a specifically created pocket in my handbag and it gets worse, only this morning I  was hovering over the new Apple watch series 7 which seems to everything from tell me on how much oxygen I have in my blood, my current heart rate and the 24 hour coffee offer on at my local Café Nero. How did we survive without our friend who is sometimes our little enemy because for all the time it saves us, I can’t say scrolling through Instagram when there’s a ‘To Do List’ as long as my arm to complete is helping? I’m generally circumspect about what I load onto my phone I just like the ones that make my life easier and more enjoyable. On the easy list I was late to the party when it came to banking and utilities, now I realise this was silly as they are generally ten times easier to navigate, There’s nothing like opening a new magazine so I don’t have any of the app versions, but newspapers definitely feature on my phone including the BBC News App which is well written, constantly updated and if there’s a story that you need more detail on they have it all at hand, their Weather map is an essential and how did I find my way around before Google Maps or Waze? Having said that you can’t beat a proper map for perspective and safety, how smug was I when we lost signal on holiday and my trusty paper map and compass got us back on the right road. Scrolling through my phone I’m going to share three apps with you I love. One is called ‘Picture This’ you point your camera, at any plant however obscure and it will give you everything you could ever want to know about the plant and if you like it, add to your virtual garden, I think mines as big as Chatsworth! Next using the same technology ‘Vivino’ allows you to point your camera at any wine label and within seconds you have information on the wine including where you can buy it from, you then add tasing notes and pop into your virtual cellar again, mines pretty crammed at the moment. The third I check every day it’s called ‘My Tide Times’ and great if you live on the coast or by a river. It tells me exactly how long Soho and I have to walk along the shale and sand of the River Thames you can go for miles but honestly, without this app it could be dangerous.

Love Anthea


Article originally from My Weekly! 


Just Be


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