Thank you My Weekly for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month

 Thank you My Weekly for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month. We can never talk about this subject enough as the statistics are still frightening. Anything you can do to help yourself and others goes into ‘The Good Pot’ 

My first question is, if you are under 70 have you had your mammogram invite and if so, confirmed a date? Do you know how many women didn’t turn up to a service given by the NHS that if it was private would cost you £275.00? 46.3% of women did not attend their appointments, yet the screening programme has led to cancers being detected in 18,942 women across England between 2022-23, which otherwise may not have been diagnosed until a later, sometimes fatal, stage. NHS England are calling for women to put their health at the top of their to-do list and come forward for breast screening when invited. Over the next 3 years they have committed a £70 million government initiative to modernise digital screening services to make the process even more efficient. To be honest I say a big fat yes to anything that is offered to me because why wouldn’t you?

I’m so glad Ibiza has made the pages of My Weekly, I’m a big fan. The Island of Ibiza is anything you want it to be from party to tranquillity. The Balearics as a group of islands are Catalan and I have always found them extremely welcoming. The best time to go is May, June, September or October and if you are brave enough to venture over to Mallorca in the Winter months the smell of log burning fires in the mountains is hypnotic.

Thank goodness Strictly Come Dancing has returned, my Saturday evenings are sorted. At the moment I’m  thinking Shane Warn is going to do well, although I’m slightly biased as I did Dancing on Ice with him and he’s a total joy to work with. Love the idea of a Strictly girls’ night in, I have a pair of sequin trousers shouting to be worn!

I agree (within the pages of My Weekly) eyebrows are massively important they are like picture frames around our eyes. I lost mine in a fire accident and couldn’t believe how odd I looked without them, it took exactly 9 weeks for them to fully return, I must have counted every strand back in. Our brows and lashes tend to get thinner as we age so I have little tattoo strokes within the hairline, not to changing the natural brow shape, just to make them appear thicker. I dye the brow hairs every 3 to 4 weeks together with my lashes and for extra definition I have a thin tattoo line within the hairline of my upper lid. I wouldn’t recommend doing it under your eyes or around your lips as its too obvious. Also, every night I nourish my eyebrows and lashes with my own product, ‘Balm 6’ because it supports hair growth by reducing breakage thanks to one of our very special secret ingredients – good old fashioned castor oil!


My mothers’ words “Stand up straight”


Does the ‘To Do List’ ever get finished