Frock Up, Cool Down

Just returned from a fabulous 3 day shoot with one of my best friends. Can’t tell you too much about it until the programme airs in October but, it’s on the BBC, involves a classic car and a lot of antiques. I’ll give you the total lowdown nearer the time, but this is what I wanted to share with you. This particular episode of the series was filmed in a location that has a history of outdoor speed skating and has recently opened a brand-new ice rink.

Both of us, although not together, once competed in ITV’s hit show ‘Dancing On Ice’ so obviously the production team put 2 and 2 together and made the new ice rink part of the story, with us slipping on our skates for a quick wizz round. They are a very professional crew so prewarned us and to be honest with not much thought a few months before I idly said “Yes”. But as the day arrived both of us independently started to fall back into ‘The Tunnel of Fear’

I’m assuming you’ve probably watched the show and you’ll know when contestants come out onto the ice to show what they can do (or not) they arrive, stage right from a tunnel of ice. Standing in that tunnel with meat knives strapped to the bottom of your shoes is up there as one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. Even writing to you now the palms of my hands are sweating across my keyboard Was I going to face plant, forget my next move, shred my partners trousers by going right instead of left? Big showbiz smile was fixed on my face but inside I was a trembling mess. My partner for this current show hadn’t been on his skates for 2 years and I hadn’t put mine on for 10 but when we both started talking about braving the ice again, we felt exactly the same – Fear was running through our veins, could we still do it? So how did we get on this time around?  When I’m allowed to, I promise I will tell all, but for now, all I can say is that we both learnt a very valuable life lesson……. !

Love our fashion piece on English country garden type dresses. I recently filmed in Crete and wore a few but when I posted them on Instagram the comments came back: How could you were long sleeves in the heat? Well they’re are actually cooler. What is it about us Brits that when the sun comes out, we want to take our clothes off and burn our skin? I was cool as a cucumber in my airy long-sleeved dresses and wide brimmed hat, so frock up and stay sun safe I say.

Finally on the subject of staying cool, a friend of mine who lives in Italy said, when it’s hot we close our windows opening them is like opening the oven door. So there you have it, my top tip for summer! x

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