A Crafty Sort Out

I’m spending quite a bit of time with the craft team at Create and Craft preparing for the launch of ‘Get Britain Crafting’ and also brushing up on so many skills I’ve not used in ages. I decided  to sort out my cupboard of crafting items and boy do I have a collection of everything from card and buttons to wool and glue paint! The list is endless. What I also found was this little needlework case which was the first piece of sewing and embroidery I ever tackled and has stood the test of time.

It was 1967, I was in Mrs Moss’s Class at Norton County Primary School and in those days everyone was expected to be able to sew… our first challenge was to make ourselves a needle holder. Mine is still full of needles and very much in use.


Steamin’ Hot Deal


Dorothy Purdew’s 80th Birthday Party