Let’s Talk ‘Accessorising’

Well lots of lovely fashion ideas are pouring out of My Weekly this week and so, inspired by my trip to Italy, let’s talk ‘Accessorising’.

Beginning with my favourite fashion film quote curtesy of Olympia Dukakis while playing Claree Belcher in Steele Magnolias “What separates us from animals, is our ability to accessorize” and it’s so true. In my book ‘How to Age Well – The Secrets’ we cover this subject, I say ‘we’ but it’s really my friend Stylist Arabella Boyce who I’ve learnt many tricks off over the years. She has taught me the power of pulling a bright lipstick out to quickly brighten my face, without looking like a Christmas tree. A cool pair of clip-on earrings can va-va-voom a seemingly safe outfit and with the right shoes we can conquer the world – OK, that might be a slight exaggeration but I have put some serious work into this particular accessory and the right pair can make a seismic shift to a look. This season I’ve currently funked up a few casual outfits by investing in a pair of bang-on-trend ankle boots from Anthropology. You might look at them and say “Humm not sure” but believe me if you are happy in trousers trainers and a half boot these are not far off and you’ll be surprised how trendy you’ll immediately look.

The Queen and Mrs Thatcher have led the way in power handbagging, Lady Thatcher once told an interviewer: “Of course, I am obstinate in defending our liberties and our law. That is why I carry a big handbag.” She was famous for placing her handbag on tables which said to her opposition I’m here this is my space now what do you want to talk about and don’t we all do this on busses and trains when we don’t want anyone to sit by us?

I have a handbag for every occasion from bucket types when rushing around, to the hands-free haversack sometimes coupled with a cross bag and of course, her Majesty’s classic handheld. My hunting ground is varied from TK Max and second-hand shops to Sarah Haran for multifunctional exquisite investment bags for every purpose (they really are bags of joy!) I do see accessories as ‘investments’ and if you buy wisely, they’ll last you for years, some a lifetime. Last week we chatted about Mark and I being in Italy sorting out his mother’s home after her death just before Christmas. So much we can’t incorporate into our lives but Emilia was a canny buyer with a good eye, so in my accessories collection I now have vintage earrings, scarves and bags all bought with thought and love from the 50’s onwards and I hope when she looks down she’ll be so proud her purchases are living on, loved, used and styled out. It would be nice to think some of our modern accessory purchases might live to do the same in years to come.

Love Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly!


The Crazy Life of Soho


Hello, from Italy!