Horsing Around at Clarence House

Yesterday Wendy and I were invited to Clarence House for a reception hosted by Camilla to support the work of The Brooke Horse Hospital (HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is President). All was going well until Wendy (with tongue loosened by several refills of Champagne) told Camilla that as she has a stallion called Charles (see pic) they obviously have something in common….! Luckily the Duchess has a fine sense of humour and chuckled at the joke – promising to tell her Charles!

Official photos from the event to follow as soon as we get them. In the meantime this is Wendy with Charles (her husband Gary says she looks like Miss Marple in this photo, and it’s hard not to disagree!

For information about the charity go to www.thebrooke.org


A Royal Occasion


Brilliant Boot Liner