The Power of Three

I’m a great believer in the power of three, so three incidents on the same theme mean I need to share them with you.

My first was a Tweet that made me laugh out loud. It came from an English Teacher called Amy Wright after the Lionesses Victory over Germany in the final of The Women’s European Champions 22. It goes like this.


Bloke: Football’s coming home, it’s coming home, football’s coming home.

Woman: After 56 years of hearing this “I’ll go and get it myself!


Next, I’m in Portobello Market on a sunny Sunday I’ve bought a rug, a candle, and a book from one of my favourite stalls called The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho, he wrote The Alchemist so I can’t wait to read it.

Feeling a little peckish we wander up to the food area a delicious collection of street traders, I picked dishes from an Iranian lady she makes everything herself and loves to explain in detail the beautiful flavours of her country’s food. Mark, chose a whopping sausage from the home-made sausage man on the pretext he was doing it for the dog (Soho) and they were going to share it. We sat happily with a Campari and Soda eating and watching the world go by.  A young lad was clearing tables and from the corner of my eye I saw him drop over the Astro Turf a pile of discarded food which included a substantial amount of mini marsh mellows. Away he went (slowly) returning with a bin and a hand grip littler picker, he then proceeded to painstakingly pick up every one of the scattered items with his little contraption. Each tiny marshmallow was picked up separately as were all the other items until he was halted by a woman. This no-nonsense Caribbean lady strode over with her rubber gloves, wagged her finger at him picked the lot up with her hands filled the bin and told him to get back to clearing tables. My third incident involved Mark and vacuum cleaner I daren’t go into details but the words “Give it here” did came out of my mouth which reminded me that 16 years ago I was the first of the new generation to highlight and glorify ‘Women’s Work’ via a programme called ‘Perfect Housewife’ Now Instagram and magazine programs are full of domesticity, hacks and with no worry of feeling these skills are of lesser significance  I said then what I believe to this day there are some things we are inherently good at they are our nurturing Goddess gifts to the world, who else can set the perfect table while looking after a small child, do an Ocado order and deadhead the geraniums, while trying to get through to British Gas and  not cost London Millions clearing up after a football final? The Lionesses and their fans after they ‘Brought it Home’ took their littler home.


My Fur Baby


How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep