Perfect Potting

Never happier than when wandering around a well-stocked garden centre (OK a Shoe Shop!)  as we are at the end of planting season (please keep the frosts away) there are some good offers on I managed 20% off everything I bought.

This weekend I’ll be planting;

Rhubarb – I love this so will be making crumbles and jam next year.

Elephant Garlic – Was inspired by seeing some in a supermarket.

Skimmia Japonica and Thereza – Amazing little performer hardy and colourful.
Pyracantha Soleil D’Or and Orange – Hoping to train up a fence.

A Collection of small shrubs for pots that need a winter look and include trailing ivy.
Euphorbia Rudolph – A must for Xmas interesting looking shrub that really does have a red nose!


Happy Feet 2


Blue Peter Party