Lister Cars

It was Quinton Wilson who said what are you doing on Tuesday? Come to the launch of Sir Stirling Moss’s new car you’ll love it (I’m a secret petrol head)

Lister Cars is a British Sports car manufacturer founded in 1954 and now owned by enthusiast and owner of Warranty Wise Lawrence Whittaker. Back in the day Sir Stirling Moss drove for Lister in their famous Lister Jaguar Knobbly and this is exactly the car they have recreated and built for a cool selling price of £1M! Sir Stirling between 1947 and 1962 entered 529 races and won 212 Now 86 and still with a twinkle in his eye it was an honour to meet our British racing legend at The RAC Club in Pall Mall and see this fabulous car. Check out the website for more details.


Zen and relaxation with Sarah Jones!


Chelsea Flower Show