My Perfect Hostess Trolley

A major purchase has taken place… After years of loyal service and probably too many moves my old hostess trolley has been sent to the appliance graveyard. And winging its way via Amazon is its replacement – a Hostess HL6232SV Connoisseur Trolley in Silver. If you are a regular entertainer this is your saviour – the best kitchen assistant you’ll ever have, it doesn’t talk back and only ever asks for a wipe over! Generally speaking very few dishes we produce are difficult but what stresses all of us out is that final 10 minutes when all components come together to be plated and delivered to the table. With a HT waiting in the wings the process is so much easier… dishes can be put into a holding pattern, plates warmed and the panic removed.

After shopping around for the best price the one I chose cost £236.20 including delivery.  It’ll more than do the job and when not in use will reside in the garage.


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