Annual Byte Night fundraiser

I was so honoured to support Action For Children for their annual Byte Night fundraiser. There were around 1,500 of us that were part of the night this year. It’s the UK’s biggest sleep out to raise money and awareness for the terrible plight of homeless young people. At any one time 80,000 kids aged between between 16 and 24 are sleeping rough. This includes the streets to occasional nights in a hostel to sofa surfing with friends.

These children are too old to foster but too young and vulnerable to live on their own. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not be part of a family structure that supported and guided me through my young adult years and made me feel secure. No one becomes homeless for no reason and through my work with Action For Children and Oasis I’ve heard many of the heartbreaking stories that have lead a young person to believing they are better off outside the family and yet on the streets they are far from safe. Its obvious to all that its a false economy not to take care of these kids but services are being cut and the consequences are rhetorically disastrous.

Thank you to everyone who’s sponsored and helped raise awareness every penny goes to helping Action For Children put some of these young people back on their feet and giving them a chance at improving not only their lives but those of their own children. Here of some pictures go the evening but it was in the morning it hit us all as we went home how emotional breaking it must be to do it all over again and not know where your next meal or act of kindness was going to come from.

For more information visit:

Gallery from the night


Mineral makeup


Shine Walk