Let’s talk about Christmas Day

Let’s talk about Christmas Day. I love so much about the Christmas season and truly bust a gut getting as much right as humanly possible. I love the city lights, shop windows, the bustle, meeting up with friends, drinking mulled wine, decorating the house while listening to Christmas tunes via Alexa, watching ‘A Wonderful Life’ (it has to be done) drinking mulled wine, even though we know a Rioja would taste nicer and eating all those foods we never consume at any other time of the year, Who said “I’d love a mince pie” in July? No one, (exception of my Father who in August is still chomping into his horde from the freezer). If I’m being honest, I’d be happy as Larry spending it in my Pajamas grazing on a selection of Christmas morsels, watching films, going for a walk and just generally doing nothing and the nearest I’d get to a Turkey would be the delicious M&S Turkey and Trimmings Crisps (you have to try them) I say this though knowing I have a choice and generally in a good place, but believe me I’ve had Christmases where I just wanted to go to sleep on Boxing Day and wake up on the 27th December or better still, on the 2nd January. So, if you are reading this and know that’s potentially you and sadly the aforementioned is not possible, start preparing now so you don’t put yourself into a prison of bad thoughts of despair. First of all, we are all under the misconception that everyone is having a great time apart from you but using your logical mind this is plainly not true so never compare yourself to others or your misconception of others. Also, when people after Christmas say “Did you have a nice Christmas” most people just say “Yes” whether they did or not because its easier than saying “No”

So my advice is to decide now how you are going to spend ‘Your’ Christmas Day and if it helps write it down. The food you’re going to eat, the people you might call, the films you are going to watch, the Radio shows you are going to listen to, the Church service you are going to attend, if a loved one has passed and you know it’s going to hurt not having them with you, put their picture in a place where you can have a little chat to them even raise a glass and send spiritual Christmas love their way. Some people foster dogs over Christmas, work for charities, do restaurant work, or go away on a trip, but whatever you do, take control, layout your intentions and own your day knowing it will pass because it will and the power is in your hands to make it the best it can be.


PS Larry by the way was an 1890’s boxer called Larry Foley competing in the sport before it was fully legalised. He won the biggest prize of about $150,000 dollars and a New Zealand newspaper made up the headline “Happy as Larry” and the phrase stuck.


Big Christmas Kisses and speak in the New Year



Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly! 


So this is 2022!


New Year, Let’s talk – ‘How to Age well”