Chicken & chorizo risotto

This is the easiest and most heart-warming recipe I have sampled in a long time. Don’t be put off by the fact it’s risotto- this is not your normal method of risotto making; i.e. standing “patiently” by your pot adding stock and wine bit by bit and stirring, stirring. This is quite literally a one-pot dish, with all the hard work done in 10 minutes getting the ingredients together.


Serves 4:

Punnet of cherry tomatoes, (keep some whole and halve the rest)
2 x cloves of garlic (peeled and diced)
2 x red onions, chopped
Chicken breast – diced, 3-4 breasts
Chorizo – you can’t beat Waitrose for the best Chorizo. Slice into half cm- 1 cm pieces, 150g
Risotto Arborio Rice, 320g
White Wine (half a pint)
Chicken Stock (3/4 a pint)
Rosemary, sprig
Accompaniments: Rocket, Balsamic and Parmesan

I do this in a large Le Creuset with a lid.
Add some oil to the pan and over a medium heat, fry off your garlic, red onion and tomato until soft.
Then simply add to the dish, your (raw) chicken, chorizo, wine and stock. Ensure chicken is fully covered.
Put the lid on and cook in the oven on 170degrees for 50-60mins
TIP: Keep checking every 20 mins or so. Don’t panic too much about time, simply add more liquid as and when it needs.
Serve with rocket, balsamic and parmesan on top!

I’ve had no complaints so far.


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