Decorations up Early?!

I can’t believe how many people – including myself – have said, “lets get those decorations up a little earlier than usual” – partly because some of us have a little extra time on our hands, but also because there’s nothing like a few baubles to put that childlike smile on our little faces and lift our spirits.

I can’t believe how many people – including myself – have said, “lets get those decorations up a little earlier than usual” – partly because some of us have a little extra time on our hands, but also because there’s nothing like a few baubles to put that childlike smile on our little faces and lift our spirits. However, before I sound like a crazy out of touch Santa fan, it’s worth noting that over the years I’ve lapped up with relish those jolly, joyous, deck the halls family Christmases, the sort that look like a page ripped out of a glossy magazine – and were! However, I have also suffered excruciatingly lonely ones praying for January 6th! Panto has twice been my saviour because doing a job where there’s nowhere to hide and not getting back until midnight (yes sometimes in rags!) is truly the best medicine. If you are on your own and say, as I have done, “What’s the point putting decorations up when there’s only me here”, well that is the point! Decorate for you. This is a little test – next time you’re in the supermarket pick up a bunch of flowers for you. When you get home, pop them in a vase and tell me they don’t make you feel good! I’m actually looking at a bunch now that I bought for myself, and boy, they are spirit-lifting.

What I have decided to do this year is fake it! Last year, all excited because it was our first Christmas together, Mark and I dragged 2 trees into the house. Fifteen days later, both of us wearing protective gloves and swearing, with needles flying everywhere, we dragged our little symbols of love down 4 flights of stairs, hurling their skeletons into the car for a funereal trip to the recycling centre, returning via the car wash. There are so many amazing traditional and funky artificial trees, the one I’ve found is so realistic you’d honesty want to water it. In fact I might secure it in my tree water holder and spray pine air freshener to confuse people. This year my tree is definitely going up early and as it’s faux I think the theme will be ear thy, home-made pieces involving dried fruit, cones, and bits I’ve found on walks. I’ll introduce fir into the house in arrangements that are easy to put together and easy to take down. Give it a go!

Love, Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly!


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