I want to recover from my holiday on a sleep retreat and in case they serve pizza a sneaky bottle of Tabasco sauce. 


How do you eat a pizza?

Obviously asking in relation to our delicious article on homemade pizzas.

According to Mark, who spent his early years growing up just outside of Milan with an amazing Italian Mother accomplished in all cooking and consuming matters, I make a mess, in fact an embarrassing mess. 

He looks on in restaurants horrified as I pick, pull bits off, eat the middle and leave a pile of crusts you could play ‘Jenga’ with. Homemade ones however are a different matter, with a thin crispy base they are a joy to fold and eat like a grown up. Having said that, while watching the nail biting Euro finals in a pub,  my friend Matt Goss introduced me to his new wheeze of annointing a Margarita with Tabasco Sauce, game changer, please try!

I never realised there was a ‘thing’ called ‘A Sleep Retreat’ how amazing, I want to go on one, not because I can’t sleep but because having recently returned from a 2-week holiday in Greece. I’m questioning the benefit when it comes to rest and relaxation. 

Think about it - Out of your precious 14 days 2 (either end) are spent travelling to location and bedding in. Prior to leaving how much time do you spend preparing for our holiday? Booking flight, hotel, transport to airport, maybe a car for when you arrive and packing. In films they bung a few pieces into a suitcase pick up their passport and leave the house in minutes, but in reality it doesn’t work like that. 

The case comes out a few days before your leaving date you begin choosing what you’re going to take with you, and being women eager to give our summer clothes and an airing it takes time to choose and accessorise. 

Then general cosmetics, makeup  and all those, ‘just in case’ items from plasters, bonjela, safety pins, emergency dentistry kit, all of which I’ve hauling around the world for years and never used, but the day I don’t take them….? Also, it might only be 2 weeks but home ‘business’ has to be dealt with before you leave. Animals booked into their own hotel, plants to be watered, lose ends tied up, bills paid that might come in while you’re away. Home prudently secured, boilers turned off, sometimes water, god forbid there was a leak and I find myself using a trip as a line in the sand (pardon the pun) and sorting things out that could easily wait until I’m home but  just don’t want to be sitting on a beach thinking about filing that pile of papers sitting on my desk, let alone coming home to it. Finaly after your 12 complete days holiday you come home and spend the next 2 unpacking, washing, ironing, filling the fridge, realising the person you put in charge of plants hasn’t don’t the job quite like you.

I want to recover from my holiday on a sleep retreat, passport, pyjamas and in case they serve pizza a sneaky bottle of Tabasco sauce. 


A Tip for Snack Attacks


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