What will this year bring?

So, we’re well into 2022 the year that’s billed cosmically as 12 months of ‘revelation, enlightenment and bravery which allowing our real selves to emerge’. The years newly launched pantone is called ‘Very Peri’ (light purple to you and me), and if you follow Feng Shui the colour to bring luck into our homes is Mint Green which personally, I adore. Then from February 1st we enter the Chinese year of the Tiger which means we will be filled with that magnificent beasts’ characteristics of confidence, elegance, patience and power – Wahoo! And as I stare at those strong nouns on my computer screen, I think we should transfer them to a piece of paper and stick them on the fridge just to remind us, when we wobble, of our inner Tiger. Or we should watch the BBC Two Documentary ‘This Is Joan Collins’ How brilliant was that? If you haven’t watched it, it’s sitting on BBC iPlayer waiting for you and quite inspiring it is too!

January is also the month of my first ‘Home Edit’ I relish packing the decorations away because for about 2 days after that your eyes are fresh and beady, they see your home in a different light and with that clarity, a little like when you’ve returned from a two-week holiday, you can rearrange ornaments, clear out magazines, papers, food cupboards, fridge and anything else which has suffered as a consequence of Christmas.  Even outside has had a tidy here and I’m a few stale mince pies away from firing up the jet wash.

New Year’s Resolutions? This year is the year for the grand ‘delete’ and by this, I mean photographs digitally held on my computer using up memory and cluttering up my ability to find the ones I actually want to see. I pledge to spend 30 mins a day on the job and every train, plane and car journey when I might geta moment to myself. Next my T- Shirts are going to be vastly reduced. ‘T’s are cheap, easy, gratuitous items to buy. We all have piles of them and for some reason unable to throw them away, but this is my main reason for their grand removal. With few exceptions, I think I’ve grown out of having slogans, somebody’s company logos, stupid cartoons and pictures plastered across my chest, also nothing lifts your skin tone better and makes you feel cleaner and fresher than a nice crisp white T-Shirt. Even when you’re walking around the house wearing one with a cardigan over the top and maybe comfy pants you feel like you’ve just walked out of a White Company Catalogue. However, I am dithering over a red one that says ‘Don’t underestimate a woman from Stoke’. Maybe I’ll wear it to celebrate the Chinese year of the Tiger?


Next week we’ll dip into my book ‘How To Age Well: The secrets’ and I can’t wait to share some of them with you!



Anthea X


Hello, from Italy!


So this is 2022!