Why do we have to take a picture of every dish?

Love a bumper edition and this one is packed – I’m off to Crete at the weekend to film a little report on a hotel so the 22-page mini mag with all those stories I’m saving for the plane journey. But will only open it when I’ve spent at least 1 hour deleting rubbish pictures from my phone. 

I am obsessed with cleaning up my electronic life and the only way to do it, is by being tough.

On my recent trip to The Galapagos, I deleted over two thousand, admittedly it was a long flight and I’d seen most of the films. 

We should really delete as we go along and maybe you do, but having this gadget in our hands makes us film the stupidest things most of which we’ll never look at again.

Concerts for example, Bruce Springsteen, Hyde Park in the rain, it was a fabulous experience, the man was awesome but after posting on Instagram and showing my friends, do I really need to re-live it “NO” delete. Then there’s food? Why do we have to take a picture of every dish? Just eat and enjoy the moment, unless of course you are going to recreate a masterpiece which is totally acceptable. 

When it comes to people, I’ve kept the flattering ones, but admit to having a file of hideous pictures that might come in useful? TV presenter Philippa Forrester and I have so many of each other secretly filed away, we’ll be into our 90’s before we run out of embarrassing Moon Pig personalised birthday card options.

So glad to see carers taking a prominent place in our magazine this week. I saw Mum and Dad care for my sister Ruth with Spina Bifida and my father in turn looking after our mum until the day she died. Both labours of love but I saw how draining it became and the toll it took on my father’s health physically and mentally. 

For those of you struggling and desperate to be heard you have a new champion in the ring, Kate Garraway. 

I don’t need to explain what’s she been through, you know that, but she’s pledged to pull out her sharp sword and fight for carers support and most of all human decency.  

Sarah Jarvis always gives us sound advice; I’ve been hooked on worshiping my immune system for years. Broccoli is my go-to quick superfood, rich in antioxidants including vitamins C, K, A, potassium, calcium and iron. Drop those heads for a couple of minutes into a rolling boil, drain, into a bowl, drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper and anti-inflammatory sumac. Eat this on its own or use to compliment other dishes. I for example, ditch the rice if having an Indian and use broccoli as a much healthier, tastier replacement. 

Looking forward to getting my fill of Greek cuisine which will include one shot a day of extra virgin olive oil. I take a table spoon most mornings for my liver, joints and heart – Then Tequila in the evening to aid digestion!!

Have a good week.

Anthea x


Wendy and I are launching our new children’s book ‘It’s Raining Strawberries at Wimbledon’ 


Chelsea Flower Show