Let The Sunshine In This Week!

Let the sun shine in is this week’s theme… I have made my mind up this year to embrace a “Staycation” or as they say in Stoke where I hail from, I’m going to Our-Gate…


Summer Cool

I’m totally cool with this decision, and like everything about us and this column we buckle down and make the best of our situation. So with that in mind let’s summer up our homes and feel good. Outside of whacking a little red, green and gold around at Christmas I generally rock summer colours and summer vibes. I was born in the summer and I truly believe light fresh colours and the clean beach look are great for uplifting the spirits.

Outdoor life

It goes without saying, unless you are a key worker, that our homes have never been so de-cluttered and organised, so I won’t go down my usual road! Summering up your home is easy – it involves indoor plants (they last longer than flowers), a few new cushions and throws. I know we don’t have a consistent climate here in the UK, but I’m obsessed with the idea of a Mediterranean “innie/outie” life, which means you treat your outside space with the same love and care as your indoor one, and your garden, balcony or patio are seamlessly part of what we refer to as “Home”. By the way I just have two balconies.


Kerb Appeal

Now, with your sun specs on take a look at the approach to your property… Is the paintwork on your front door in need of a wash down? Is the door furniture shining? Is the door mat clean, or dirtier than the bottom of your shoes? Are there any weeds in the paving stones, or are there any dead plants? Or have you got a sunny display of colourful geraniums or a similar uncomplicated plant that gives bloom after bloom all summer long? If I see an unloved exterior I know what’s on the other side of that sad door – and it isn’t Summer Lovin!



We spend the majority of our income on our homes, so we might as well enjoy them, and this year, in particular, we’ve been in them and will be in them more than ever before. So make yourself a cocktail, grab a sarong and bring summer into your home!

Have a good week, and whatever you do, do it in lip gloss,

Love, Anthea X

This article was originally from My Weekly! 


Let The Sunshine In This Week!


The BIG Birthday!