Booted Off Facebook!

I have been in the middle of suffering the ultimate social rejection – blocked from my own Facebook page because according to Big Facebook Brother I am not who I say I am and the palaver to prove my authenticity requires DNA!!

I decided to join this phenomenon of our time to keep in touch with friends whilst away from home. Prior to this I’d derided social networking as being a teenage waste of time and energy. Well eat your words Turner as within days of entry into this parallel universe I was hooked! I couldn’t wait to get home to see who’d messaged me, written on my wall, tagged me or wanted to be my friend.  But what I really couldn’t work out is why people who I didn’t know personally would want to be my friends. As I and they from time to time visit Planet Celebrity literally hundreds of requests arrived. Now I’m basically polite so therefore became increasingly worried about all the lost souls in Facebook land waiting for my cyber friendship. So to sort this problem out I set up another account and called  But how was I going to deal with the lovely people eagerly awaiting my ‘Confirm Friend’? which truly was giving me sleepless nights. The plan my lovely 21 year old PA Grace in Canada I came up with was neat;  ‘Friend’ my beautiful new friends, send a message saying “See you at Facebook” then ‘unfriend’ them. So, one hot evening sitting at my trusty Sony Vaio  in-between filming we set about this task (I know by the way that if you are not a Facebooker these terms sound nonsensical).  I feel in my cyber water that this act  was my  down fall. Some large computer somewhere else in the universe detected an alien pattern of behaviour – one which I would interpret as good manners but it interpreted as really BAD Facebooking – and the bottom line is they dam well closed me down! Trying to navigate around the gazillion ‘Help’ keys is truly frustrating as they are simply not designed for you not to contact Facebook personally. However, eventually after giving blood and finally conversing with my NBF Barry at Facebook, we are now back on air. Yippee.


What Bliss


Goodbye Amy