Amazing Harmony

Over the last 2 years with the help of sun, and hot flushes, and using a high factor sun cream I was actually allergic to, I had developed blotches on my neck. Its technical term is Poikiloderma which is a pigmentation change found largely in women. As I’ve always been careful with my neck in the sun and never sprayed perfume in it – a big no no especially if you are exposing the area to the sun – I was mortified last summer I had to put extra make up on the area and I was definitely choosing tops which didn’t expose too much neck and chest.

Well the good news is all gone thanks to Harmony AFT Skin Rejuvenation. I had heard about the procedure from a friend so decided to try it out and I can honestly report it’s AMAZING.

I went to a Jill Zander’s salon in Esher near to where I live and was gratefully in the hands of an expert. Like all machines they can do 50% or the work but the other 50% is down to the operator who understand the power of their apparatus and can give an accurate prescription for their patient. I stuck with it and whatever Jill suggested I was totally in her hands and trusted her professionalism.

Photo rejuvenation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today and provides the ideal non-invasive answer to dealing with sun damage, signs of ageing, pollution and the wear-and-tear of daily life. The treatment encompasses the most advanced intense pulsed light technology. AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) pulsed light’s gentle energy parameters assure safe and highly effective treatment. Uniquely shaped AFT pulses precisely heat their intended targets, causing remarkably little or no skin damage or discomfort.

AFT light is applied in a series of gentle pulses over the treatment area. Without damaging the skin the light penetrates the sub-surface skin layers and is absorbed by the blood vessels and pigmentation. The heat impairs the vessel or lesion, and the body begins its natural healing process, resulting in a brighter, clearer complexion. In addition to treating signs of photo damage and early ageing, AFT rejuvenation also improves dull complexions, uneven pigmentation and large pores, as well as red flushing skin and rosacea. The heat delivered into the skin also encourages collagen stimulation for a healthier, plumper appearance.

I love something that promises what it can achieve and I am over the moon with the results.


Flat Pack Vase!


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