A Few Skincare Tips!

Have you been feeling a little more optimistic? Have you looked at spring flowers and more than ever before felt warm inside at the sight? Well, my inner Mama Moomin has definitely risen from her winter hibernation and is preparing for summer full of optimism.

Not to get overly stressed, however, about the Covid holiday situation because, there’s no point, and as my mum says, “More sun, more wrinkles.” Jean is 90 and like the Queen has beautiful skin because neither have pegged themselves out for hours on a beach with a bottle of Ambre Solaire, and both live in well-ventilated castles – Mum’s metaphorically speaking.

I can’t tell you how many times I have returned home, complained of the cool temperature and been told, if I have a problem, to put some more clothes on. After a winter of jumpers and skin-drying central heating, it’s time to ditch a few layers – and that includes our skin. As we get older our cellular regeneration slows down and with it our natural exfoliation. To counteract this I’m a daily skin brusher and once a week have a good exfoliate and what a difference it makes if you want to get your youthful bloom back.

What I use is cheap, and you might want to mitigate the mess by doing it in the shower. Next time you are shopping, pick up a bottle of supermarket’s own-brand extra virgin olive oil (for ease in a plastic bottle) and a bag of golden caster sugar. Pop in the shower, wash yourself then pat dry. With the shower off, generously cover yourself in olive oil then scoop up the caster sugar into your hands and exfoliate in circular movements to get all that old dead skin off. All your body needs to be attended to… behind your neck, lightly over your face, around your ears, between your toes and fingers – leave nothing out. Even sit on the bottom of the shower and do your feet. When you’re done, shower off with warm water. By the way, depending on your skin tone, you might go a bit pink but it’s only temporary. Now dab yourself dry and feel how smooth your skin is! I then like to use a body oil and lie on the bed with a face mask on to complete the pampering. My favourite mask is a small pot of Greek live yogurt smothered over my face and neck and left for 20 minutes. The yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid that dissolves dead skin cells making way for new ones.

I hope this little trick helps you to glow!

Love, Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly!


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