I’m a royalist

 So glad we are covering our King and Queen’s Royal Tour of Australia.

I’m a royalist, will always support their position in our country and along with many others look at the financial spread sheet which unequivocally proves they put more into UK Ltd than they take out. 

Even those who fail to acknowledge the figures must understand that God forbid, should there be, a revolution their houses and wealth and businesses would revert to the state, thus, making them the perfect hard working tenants.

We hear often the phrase ‘working royals’ did you know over 3000 charities and organisations have a member of the royal family as their patron and with their seal of approval and support the charities gain industry support, sponsorship and a platform to help the lives of others which like tentacles grow and multiply. 

Brand Britain and the royal family are inextricably linked they are a vital addition to our PR, Marketing and identity.

I’ve seen many times how with royal patronage a charity flourishes. For example, the use of Buckingham Palace, its gardens, kitchen and military entertainment support ‘The not Forgotten’ a charity who looks after the welfare of ex-service men and women. The royal family supercharge their ability to improve the wellbeing of their members. It was only when I looked across the Kings vast garden, saw it packed with every uniform you can imagine together with their families making memories I truly understood what is generally known as ‘The Royal Effect’ 

They have their own charities, The Princes Trust has returned 1.4 billion in benefits to society over the last 10 years alone. When they support a child by putting them back on their feet with a future, they are supporting not just that one person but everyone they come into contact with on their journey through life in the big wide world. I’ve also stood on many occasions at St James’s Palace presenting awards on behalf of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Children and their families from all walks of life will have travelled to London to receive their award, it will be a day they will never forget but more importantly the work they put into their award will sit proudly on their CV for the rest of their lives.

Finaly let’s not forget the amount of scrubbing up and showing up they have to do with every move scrutinised and commented on. We all love a little dressing up maybe for a wedding or charity event but can you imagine doing that constantly? Never being on your own in the house, no such thing as a mufti day, never opening your own front door. 

Per head it costs around £8 a year to support our royal family, with the average price of pint of beer being £9, I for one think they are excellent value for money and collectively the jewel that shines the brightest in the Tower of London and on the world stage.

Article originally from My Weekly!


My mothers’ words “Stand up straight”