The Feel-good Factor with Liz Earle

Liz Earle kindly asked if I’d put together a post for their ‘Feel-good factor’ blog this month; take a look at the post below, in which I’ve tried to include some tips and ideas about wellbeing, including home, food, fitness and travel!

The Feel-good Factor with Anthea Turner

Anthea Turner is a well-known television presenter and media personality. Having presented a variety of shows over the years – from Blue Peter to GMTV with Liz, she has a wealth of experience in all areas of wellbeing, including home, food, fitness and travel. For this month’s Feel-good Factor she shares with us what she has learnt along the way about happiness from within, and how a smile can go a long way…

Best advice for feeling good

This for me is a state of mind and something I have had to work very hard on. Over the years I have come to learn that it is not about external circumstances – you can still feel rubbish on a beach in a hot country! It’s all about how you feel within, and I’ve found confidence in yourself is key. I make sure I surround myself with uplifting, inspiring people and have been tough in removing those in my life who have drained me. I also try to train my thinking patterns so I do not become a prisoner of bad thoughts – whether that’s taking time out to go for a run or writing down a list of positive things in my notebook. For me it’s knowing that if you’re struggling it is ok to get help – be it talking to a close friend, a therapist or even getting a nice massage. Acupuncture for me works wonders. It all comes down to where you want to put your resources, and I think it should be a priority to mend ourselves when things go wrong.

Top tips for looking good

My life is divided into good hair days and bad hair days – I often think I am a frustrated hairdresser! I am a big believer in the power of a good haircut and blow-dry – it makes all the difference to how you look and feel. I also think that, in general, in order to look great, it’s as simple as eating less and moving more. It’s all about choices – if you occasionally want a Twix, go for it! But it should be a treat. The key is to have a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything. Aside from that, I think the best beauty secret I could give is to always stand up straight, walk with purpose, and smile. Having trained as a dancer in classical ballet up until my teens, I understand the importance of how you move your body – we’re made to move.

… and doing some good along the way?

I think first and foremost it’s important to always offer support to your close network – your friends and family. Further afield I am a huge supporter of Lupus UK and have recently completed a 200km husky trek in Lapland to help raise awareness. Having a friend who suffers from this chronic and presently incurable auto-immune disease means it’s a cause close to my heart. A friend of mine, Steve Chalke, who I met back in my GMTV days with Liz, also has a wonderful charity called OASIS – a Christian organisation who offer support to young people through a wide-range of projects and initiatives, such as anti-trafficking campaigns, housing, youth work and sponsoring over 40 academy schools. They are dedicated to offering resources, education and skills to children, young people and families to help improve their lives and are a really worthwhile cause to support.


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Comedians and TV stars donate clothes to Kentish Town charity shop